Two Tales by Walter & Sabrina


The Twilight of Walter and Sabrina



The Cucumber, Carrot, Courgette is food and penis.
Why not? Food and Sex therefore Man after fall. No?
Yeeess. Existence as absurdly-huge-n-knobbly Cucumber.
An extravagance parading green. Ecologically friendly, super-swallow honey.
And pompous, yes pompous! god damn, through mundane.
Competing allotments cross country, puff-puffer-bigger,
Devour forced fertilizer. Clogged, steroidal, digested by the larger.
Liver, I suppose. Or composty heaped, feed, subsequent? Who restart the broom-broom-cycle?
Consider Adam and Eve. Why not, content, unified, peace. Guilt? Positively shameless!
Created by Who-With-Knowledge-Of-All-Things, knows...
Well, Eventual-Outcome-Of-Symbolic-Split at very-very least.
The Apple-Fruit-Of-Tree-Of-Knowledge-becomes... Cucumber? Course it does.
Man not divine, then nothing significant. All interchangeable.
The possibility that Man is no different to insect or scrap soil.
Satan in the form of, oh-my-god-no a Gherkin?
Hell its shape and colour recalls the Snake. You can see that surely, hmmm?
Tinkle tempts Eve. Now dance 'rotic 'tween Cucumber and Eve
Enticing, cock teasing, flickering becomes
Provokéd Adam. Adam is, was, will be Cucumber.
A green reproductive. The Fall predestined leap, a birth
Cast into emptiness filled abundance of meaningless difference.
Man, extravagant fluke of physics, his consciousness pointless.
Cucumber with a soul. Get down. An individual singing without God.
The cucumber symbolically, and well, actually an instrument of sensuality,
Yes. You like, see that? My sister also? But no, is also food.
Man comes, ahh, good no? after Fall. Automata craving. Hence food-sexy.
His Arts and Tech of no consequence than enhance the reproductive. Survival.
Green Man now below, under 'chieving. An animal once created to serve himself.
Sad-suffering The Elements, The Predators. Needy foody-shelter struggily endlessly cycle lifey-deathly.

A cucumber motor-cycled for building blocks of a subsequent. As I said.
Plucked or fallen, is that fucked exhausted? Onto heap
From Tree, Society obviously, that supports, and he in turn supports.
Allow the seeds within to sprout from remnants of Every Body.
Praise Heap, creator of Life, Man composts from and because Filthy decay.
Why wonder at desire to see your yum-yum titties. Human life is smutty.
Degradation celebrated, Man not created in God's image but Compost-O-Heap's,
Teeming trivial. Positively pornographic jangle baby. Doll.
Here Christmas introduced. Yes, don't argue. Jingle-jingle 'bundance,
Food, beauty teasing spangles, bright fires, hence the warm sop-skippy.
The snow is... sensual? No-no agree, clean, bright, cold like virgin 'viting.
Holly holler-holy strong, alive despite its clothing freezing.
Christ is born unexceptional, Every Man. Destined abandoned,
Get thee behind me because, we ate the Apple known as Knowledge-O-Gods,
Are you digging, he is a God, incarnate. Not sack-o-potatoes.
Must I spell it! He's huge, green, skinned with knobbles by the shovel,
A substitute, Christ! He drinks vinegar! Inebriating lubrication.
Temperance men, bring all Fallen men, the consequent suffering one-a-place, one time.
His sacrifice connected some way o-dildo-daddy 'cumber, carrots and courgettes
Saucy Lamb of mighty minty saucey greeny sweet 'n vinegary, obvious innit.
Resurrection allows all Cues' return to, Darn-it! Meaning.
Man is not Cue-Cue-Cucumber. Man is umm... Man. Above, possibly god-like-darling.
Some er... things? Yes things! Lick-n-curse you dog, of greater import than others.
Life is not, as you say, taking piss, relative. No, serious.
If the Crucifixion saves Man, then man, something is very...very...wrong.
Man grows. Is it old? Fraud, so... decays. Does Cucumber rest in compost heap?
"There is no more to life I want." You say, "I understand, accept the purpose of existence.
I am a-hah!... fulfilled. Now idle, can now die." Or
Does he say-she say, "No! Thrash your hide, I want more...
Sex and food is it. More wealth and pleasure? I will enlarge richer, bigger, happier?"

And, see you like that don't you, young flesh in equal fear, help-forcing cling-time.
Purpose? Why it's wheeled up-down hospital. Medical gymnastical, health foods cosmetical.
A man alike with goals fantastic, he drops. Oh dear. Dead.
A man with... history. Yes yes yes. Like sock full of holes, darned.

Oh stumble-bumble through this man's mind. Of jumble-fumble remember some half-forgot mundane,
A little absurdly hopes-she-loves-me. Disparagement ouch-pain the joy.
Through mythological mists then we tumble-crumble to a beginning is what you're wanting?
Clearly, a land where archetypes blossom-pop 'mong damask rose.
When heroes walk-tall the Earth. Time-passed-pleasured copious. We land-plop-in sin
Filled plip-splattery street beep-beep. Now draw close-closer. Peep-peeper into orifice sign posted by Destiny's finger.
There! Look! As if by Fate's torch; a scene bright lit. Can it be Man's predestination lies in fickle hands?
Must we accept the chubby finger of Fate cannot lie, only point?
Ladies. Gentlemen. Pull up-pup-pupper a seat.
Be thankful your blushes are hidden by the gloom of this pregnant night,
As our tragic tale of Heroes and Villains unfolds.


Good Gawd his serenade worked the well right up the through.
Leading almost-even-closer depths dismay unknown to mortal beasts.
A cusp; points the pricks that gnasher perceived and pops the human dream.
Howling realms. Do-not-forsake-me realms of solid fantasy and fantastic truth.
That stuck. No lever out the Ho-Ho-Ho kingdoms that Giddy Gods' dream that canine
yap-yap-yip the rip-rap poor fertile boy to shred. And when the Goddy yawns?
Oh shame, whose dream does Mr Taking wake in, or is awoke in him?
Blimey, Good-God-Almighty, opens wide bare cuspid threat. There they were gagging for it
He would, he did. Women pulled the shreds, their clothes, tore 'way the uplifts
Freeing gea-gor breasts. Clawed stuck stockings, rap-ripped blick thong pantie gaping peachy bottom.
Randy bitches. Throwing bone, exclaimed "Here chew-chew jaw-jaw this!"

Ha-Ha-Ha preggers time,
Stomach flesh arch upwards 'proaching needle.
Skin resist, point push down, a dimple sudden collapse, the sharp plunged straight.
Squirted needle, squeedle drawn, fleshy craves released.
Held one, the other. Lubricate intended
And sheathing, fitted first the rod, swallowing, greased insertion,
Puckered mauve bruise rising and
Collapsing 'round into vacant.
The nurse adjusting-ting-ting

Birth the would the world. The wretched ill body, smelly body. As if never ending,
Retched, strained. With help from two reveal taut pink and rosy.
A sigh, a lift hemline an exposé broken by straps. The cat gut garters, raked.
The birth sick, diabetic? Could be, who knows. Out popped cast Earth globe.

One squeezed two hands a bulb of flesh...up!
And was drawn to a vision similarly squeaked;
Digits sinking spongy, aureola rudely pointing. A pouting you'll be wanting.

Tongue, tough force lips moistening. Mirrors the sweat bowed body,
Just like the arc, the pucker upper as if to squirt. Squit, squit.
Spittle welled, blubble-gagged around and over ball, up!
Over oily glaze, topcoat red, coating fatty,
Mercurial drib from stretched, O lordy filled the mouth.

And what of that dimple that umbilicate?
What treachery formed that little bugger
Creation, bobbing fishing float in empty space?

A second pair. Hands. A second winding cord
From base hind squeezing fingers t'wards a pimple peak,
An encirclement shaping redder bubble 'bove.
Hands let... go! And there bobbed breast on thin black neck.

A thick new smell. An oily peat marsh smell. Six. snugly, laced, well used.
Waist cinched by buckled. Two bare chested.
Like out their shells, the slugs. Four, tattooed, pin-up girls,
Spurting flying snakes and worms disappearing up navel,
Be up though arse hole down through umbilicus?

White flushed 'gainst black satin. A dance controlled ecstatic
Clearly straining to be free, to mingle with the fire spectacle before.
Waft of perfume sweat propelled by blouse's flutter.

Now create the drownéd. An underworld,
A Bog, peopled criminal stuck fated world
Bog People think princess, but outside toad; no prince will kiss.

Sleeping Goddess, Nurse Gigantic, a Dream, stooled, her big back to me,
Deep formal fissure from neck to seat, of spine to welling.
Adjusting flow and temperature,
Pump throb, irrigate, removing via chromed elastic;
Contents of existence' stomach, replenished by our torrents.
The Giant Enamelled Goddess with sheen of silk grained sacking
Restrains inside flesh under even, a cog of pump.
Seams led eye from tip to top curved point of largest
Pressure canister. Its shape her engorged buttocks
'Pon quilted stool; cut beautiful by black restraining
So that cheeks redden out like robin breasts.

Pushed out too, as forced self deep
Seat and onto black dark, plug like, earlier day which is the night
To reveal the day inserted now, morning that day.
Her breasts hung juddered-bulbous-uddered 'way from nipples sparkled;
Two red bearings pushed into 'mensity. Swung sympathetic with the whirr,
'Mong rounded towers as she buttoned, and levered.
Polished 'gainst the bottom plug;
Transmitting vibration soothing body, till
She too resonated with suckerdy-pump frequency.
The contented human milked, and what o' the cow when it fills no more?

Oh be plugged into idle nurse. She'd milk, and feed him over, over
Clench shell vulva filling womb. He more seat, with fitted dildo.
Watch diluted down her thighs around, tumble over.
The milky stream run t'wards heels, trace outline tautly menacing.

Imagine whole, length naked 'gainst her misty porcelain.
Grinding moist, reproductive, climactic from
Indifferent gurgling of her irrigation, and anonymous smearing
Against vibrato flesh; oiling each to further shudders.

So when she opened up, did achieve ...satisfaction?
Did give satisfaction? So she made herself.. fruitful.. truthful.. available?
So what, vulnerable? Was worth it? What pay off for her, for you, for me, for us?
Did learn from liberties, or service with our secretions?

The Dream would bend despite her orgy, bottom aired, position
Tongue under approaching sludge-slush-slurry-story so it dripped to
Pointed heel, lapped into mouth.

Breasts bobboby, bouncy side to side,
Led reach out, run fingers up ball hanging meat-hole.
Emerging out concave a shaft from lips,
Some force to 'tween the blobby udderworld.

Grabbed by cocky, far too by half, the worky classes with nurses' needle 'jected.
Quickly massaged, fluid fingers liquid 'round the organ. He'd erection fantastic
At least three hours, possible four. Any longer should see doctor.

And was each revolution atop the
previous a black tube pushing all before?
Non-stop direct you route to...
Being stimulated. Well done! that's it! unable break...
Break through, sealed behind your throbbing.

Free inside the fairy shell. Safe my piggy iron baby, calming strokes you.
Trammels you, my toy, to market, my little industrial flood lava.

In nightly night, they dreamt, but now human dreams
Of push fist in, able hook, then two over
Massaging, squeezing more mouth in,
Feel splatter 'tween fingers onto tongue? No.

Finger-flipped slick tube out,
A throat covering of fine sandstone, caul.
Hard tubes compressed, urge gush. They do? Not yet.

Inert thrust deep and heard stretching hole, pulling part, reveal nerve endings.
My throbbed, I moaned to pitch of...
Shallow body, voice the pitch, eyes open shut see? Nothing.

A new night. A plump pleb night dreamed within the dream of night.
A Bog night. A leavened night. Dark petrol mere, a carbon mere.

Another large black introduced
'Long side slow deflating filling space
Vacated till flaccid stick slid out.
Followed troupe of strumming musicians? Rod?

Not arf! Cockles winkles in and out, "I would have given you all of my.
But there's someone who's torn it a.
And she's taken just all that I. But if you want I'll". Yes? What?
Oh why can't something nice be born?
Vicious clamps on barely felt. Medieval weights hung from them.
Compressed the throb of arse and cock.
Hands to grease, others' ropes.
Pins pushed, gorged on bound and bled.
Trickles cistern dribbling beetroot burns
She gasps a hiss of air squeezed in. And out? Yes out.

All adds just 'nother, like a breathing, a sound from fistula that was her mouth.
Eyes, yes dart 'tween needles 'serted, which being 'serted, her eyes and mouth.
To teat, each slip a tingle in constant bum bubble bee.
Picture 'rect, bound as breast 'magine it all turned inside out,
to outside everything appears...
What normal? Just a stiff about to shoot.
Wrenched out, clattering ripping past sphincter flops awaiting.
Oh my god we sigh, why not? Heard it all before hear its hum again.

So what in name was all about? How did, will it be does, it end? A talking was it God, or a talking, our Mr Taking, human sacrificial to His Herness, the God all dreamy swooning Goddess? Almighty is it talking us directly like outside man, cor blimey even outside Hisness dreaming? Dread to thinking. But did we from the birthing, to the toilet pulling, via chain creating air and sea and Workers Playtime? Bet your life we did.

Snot surprising soon and sure enough he felt himself whooaa-slide-slipping deeper-deeper twilight world of illicit, the abnormal and Oh, Oh, oh yes sex-it. Sounds like great so The floppy thing he kept in box moaned the whine, flung the self against, not about the, walls until its head, enormous purple squashed tomato. Tot-tot-tittering on spindle cripple, like too much tipple, legs. Knock kneed. Not Cockney, though seemed appropriate. Like stamped on snail it oozed snotty. Gelatinous pop-eyes pleading release me from ping-pong-pain.

So soon the oyster of love became a cockle of lust as The Female Genitalia 'pon female genitalia pumped the suck, flexing muscles keeping firm upon the Mickey Taking's Male Dong Thing. Like being stuck up whelk they vacuumed his inadequate. Keep that silly-sizzle-sausage up me! Emphasising with a vac-suck-pump of clam as drizzle honeyed out the join, leaving jelly slug meandering his festering wound: Despair. Deeply-dumper the wound would penetrate until the sudden he-had-to-choose, be the man, the other man's plaything or a marrow. Waiter. Stuffed please.

Yet the women in the life his led, or umm... rather that led his life were how to say... varied in techniques of the living and the loving that he, so he, reaped, and went all all-of-a wildly-desired. Bananas are particularly good this time of year. Indeed. Particularly dolloped extra thick-n-doubly-ended. Super Lust super-surged through car-start body and hence her car-screech boobbies. He searched, his trawl, for The Girls, the ripe, the new, the melons slumming every door-slammed moment of his slumber sniff-sniff doggy-day and, don't forget, he longed the lang for them there joys, through his after morning night. And oh the please, the please please please. I know you've got some nice-cold-squidgy fishy-slung-a-sleeping in that there fridge. Should of course say fridgey.

Soon The Super-Girls found The Turbo-Lusts too too much taboo, their syrupy-figs their young, their minds. What it? Banana? No you fool. A bloody bleeding peeled-n-very-very-tasty nice-n-purple-burpless cupid-cu-cucumber. Those that got not-his-way, not all-the-way, away from lecherous octo-testicles only served to serve him deeper into the pits the smelly which held some north-atlantic, not-prawns no, secrets of his squelch-the-bubble weird existence. Didn't know that its polluted bottom would leave him barren of The Beautiful. But a guy like him with lures, and his tackle, could always depend on one wanton to cling to his craving monkey noises.

"Cucumber beware", he jabbered and juddered. "oh blimey 'e's acting the up again, I tol' yer not to give 'im Bananas." "Cucumber beware, Mushroom machine, Mushroom machine, Mushroom obscene." "'E'll be a-wailing all po-et-teak all the night, you'll never shut him till 'e's 'ad 'is all the way." "We'll see 'bout that me darling me love me turtle where's me bucket o' water? an' make sure it's loaded." So cocking the snoot and off the more he versed:

The sunlight twinkled on horns swift and steady its hooves bronze
Wouldn't think it man nor beast. Mushroom machine Mushroom machine
Mushroom obscene.

Through Amethyst deceiver oily knobbed head chased
Like groom before an altar the slimy green pustulate
Pull back, polish Waxy Cap cup of love 'tached piece of pipe
Place yourself upon the seat of Mushroom Machine
Mushroom Machine. Beware. Beware. Mushroom Obscene.

Which left him famished when he finished with a splosh full charge of water from great height. Splash! "There! Yer bugger." Butter better than them there ye-olde-mouldy, the critical pleb's. Yes in measure by the deedy. Ooh-Arhh sex baiting ordeals left them, the doxies the molls the buttered buns, not mention the mackerels, cats and ladybirds, in a raw-cane-sugar, not free, sin hunger. This baited world a trap, a lust trap. And he well knew it, the mucky blighter. Like maggots' line swayed left then right by fate's silent but deadlies they are doomed, yes doom-doom-doomed, never to know the one, the innocent, the purple-pleasures o' just holding the hands. The two, a salted kiss on the lips that goes no in-and-outer further. The three of four, the peeping into cod like eyes, see pools of crystal saline lit by stars from decks merchant marine. And the waited four, the companion to shave no share with laughter, tears, but always gentle joy a life lived whole and together into old, the later, so is it past, age.